[OSM-talk] OSMXAPI stable?

Peter Körner osm-lists at mazdermind.de
Tue Sep 22 14:22:12 BST 2009

bernhard schrieb:
> Hi all
> I would like to show the XAPI to my students.
> But it seams that all XAPI Servers are very slow or out of function.
Or overloaded :) Maybe you could allocate a server at your university as 
another xapi server ;)

> The students should learn something about Location Based Services and my 
> idea was to show
> how to retrieve Points of Interest from OSM.
> With XAPI it would be easy:
> wget 
> http://www.informationfreeway.org/api/0.6/node[amenity=restaurant][bbox=15.5337,48.1732,15.7161,48.2362] 
> -o osm.xml

> But if the XAPI is not working I have to cancel that.
The Query works for me. If you want to be sure, save a offline-version 
of the output for the worst-case.

> Or is there a similar service I can use for that?
You can use the default api's map-call to get *all* elements in a bbox 
and let your students filter it manually :)


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