[OSM-talk] openstreetmap left side checkboxes?

andrzej zaborowski balrogg at gmail.com
Sun Jan 3 11:08:03 GMT 2010

2010/1/3 Felipe Carrillo <mazatlanmexico at yahoo.com>:
> Probably a naive question but I am a newbie to this mapping projects. I just need to download some data from openstreetmap but I need to select the features that I need. I have seen checkboxes to the left of the map to be able to select the desired features but for some reason I can't find them. The default www.openstreetmap.org doesn't show those checkboxes to the left of the map.

You may be thinking about openstreetbrowser.org, but it doesn't have
an option to export data (afaik).  XAPI should be able to give you
this kind of selective export.



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