[OSM-talk] Address in nominatim and is_in tag

Raphaël Pinson raphink at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 10:14:42 GMT 2011


I have tagged the following suburb:
Nominatim doesn't restrict it to the admin_level 8 in which the node
is situated: http://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/details.php?place_id=127750725

To fix this, I have tried adding an is_in tag with the full name of
the town, but it won't help. The fact that the suburb overflows the
admin_level 8 boundary somehow makes a link between the two
admin_level 8 boundaries covered by the (calculated) polygon, and has
several border effects:
   * the address calculated by Nominatim is "Montjay, Les Ulis,
Bures-sur-Yvette, Communauté d’Agglomération du Plateau de Saclay,
Essonne, Île-de-France, France", even though Montjay is not in Les
Ulis, but only in Bures-sur-Yvette.
  * other nodes and ways covered by the calculcated shapes inherit
this weird address,  for example streets in Bures-sur-Yvette get an
address located in Les Ulis (e.g. "Les Vergers de Montjay, Montjay,
Les Ulis, Bures-sur-Yvette, Communauté d’Agglomération du Plateau de
Saclay, Essonne, Île-de-France, France"), and objects in Les Ulis are
marked as belonging to Bures-sur-Yvette (e.g. admin_level 10 boundary
"Champagne, Coulée Verte, Montjay, Bures-sur-Yvette, Les Ulis,
Essonne, 91440, Île-de-France, France").
  * The suburb is marked with a bigger name on the map as the towns,
appearing to be more important.

Am I doing something wrong? How can I properly map this suburb without
affecting the rest of the map?


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