[OSM-talk] Cyprous - postal codes

TDTwister Gmail tdtwisteruk at gmail.com
Thu Dec 26 12:18:10 UTC 2013

Hi Everybody,

I manage to get a list of Cyprus postal codes from Cyprus Postal Service
both in Greek and in English (as separate files).
I wrote some python scripts to match the Greek and the English name of
the streets and mapped them on to OSM (some of them).
I am in the process of creating a script to upload the result (only
manually confirmed mappings for now approximately 500 roads) and I would
like to ask a few questions.

Is anyone responsible for this area that I should first coordinate with?
Is the correct postcode tag for a way "postal_code"?
There shouldn't be any copyright issue with the data since Cyprus Postal
Service is a government organization and the data should be public but
just in case I should ask. Does anyone know or has attempted the same
thing in a similar situation?
I know i can put name:el and name:en as tags but what the name tag
should be for a way? Greek, English and Turkish are the official languages.

Thank you.


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