[OSM-talk] Wood & Park mapnik carto anomaly?

Matthijs Melissen info at matthijsmelissen.nl
Tue Sep 16 12:41:25 UTC 2014

On 16 September 2014 11:25, Dave F. <davefox at madasafish.com> wrote:
> I've mapped an area where a woodland overlaps with a park:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/51.48959/-2.52536
> The new mapnik rendering doesn't display it.
> Here's a comparison with old & new:
> http://bl.ocks.org/tyrasd/raw/6164696/#16.00/51.4890/-2.5267

In general, we render smaller landuse on top of larger landuse. That
gives sometimes unexpected results if two landuse areas overlap each
other only partially. However, I can't think of any better ordering.

In the old rendering, the overlap was visible because we rendered park
transparent. However, we removed the transparent rendering because it
often gives counterintuitive colours. The old rendering of this place
is a good example: you wouldn't really guess that the middle green
colour denotes an overlap of wood and park.

So I don't think this is something we can really fix on the rendering side.

-- Matthijs

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