[OSM-talk] Abandoned Rails

Mateusz Konieczny matkoniecz at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 07:01:53 UTC 2015

On Wed, 9 Sep 2015 01:54:20 -0400
Russ Nelson <nelson at crynwr.com> wrote:

> Why do you persist? You can't win, because you're wrong.

Please, stop treating it as some zero-sum game. I am not trying to

I am trying to ensure that editing of OSM will not be made
harder by presence of ways representing completely destroyed objects
or ridiculous relations containing features approximately following
track of former, no longer existing objects.

Editing OSM is already complicated, there is no good reason to make it
even harder by adding confusing features editable only by experts.

Currently it is done on really limited scale and still may be stopped.

OSM is map of the current state of the world - not map
of the world how it was yesterday, 10 years ago or five thousands ago.

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