[OSM-talk] iD news: v2.3.0 released

Bryan Housel bryan at 7thposition.com
Sat Jul 8 05:10:21 UTC 2017

iD v2.3.0 was released July 7, 2017 and is now available for editing on openstreetmap.org <http://openstreetmap.org/>

📣  A few highlights from the release:

New:  Toggle-able information panels can be used to expose more advanced features without cluttering the user interface.
⌘I: Show/Hide info panels (by default, will toggle the Measurement panel)
⌘⇧M: Toggle Measurement Panel - Show selected object area, length, perimeter, calculate center, etc.
⌘⇧L: Toggle Location Panel - Show location coordinates and reverse geocode
⌘⇧H: Toggle History Panel - Show last edited by, links to user and changeset info, object history
⌘⇧B: Toggle Background Panel - Show imagery age if available and toggle tile debugging

Support localization of background imagery names, descriptions, attribution text
Show background imagery icons from editor-layer-index <https://github.com/osmlab/editor-layer-index>, upgrade Bing icon and others
Add  walkthrough=true  to the url, and iD will start the walkthrough automatically
New presets for manholes, storm drains, scrapyards
Many more bugfixes!

Please help translate these new features if you can!  The iD project is now under the OpenStreetMap organization on Transifex:
   https://www.transifex.com/openstreetmap/id-editor/dashboard/ <https://www.transifex.com/openstreetmap/id-editor/dashboard/>

   https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#230 <https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#230>

   v2.3.0 + info panels and imagery age: https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/883487026594623489 <https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/883487026594623489>
   History info panel: https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/883488962215632896 <https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/883488962215632896>
   All panels:  https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/882758167742083075 <https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/882758167742083075>
   Tile Debugging showing Bing imagery age:  https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/881519390495309824 <https://twitter.com/bhousel/status/881519390495309824>

Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/bhousel <https://twitter.com/bhousel> for more iD updates (but mostly screenshots).

Thanks! 🙇
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