[OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Awards 2019: The Voting is Open!

Ilya Zverev ilya at zverev.info
Sun Aug 25 16:25:32 UTC 2019

Hi folks,

It is again time to learn about people who did great in the project, and 
to give them your votes — on OpenStreetMap Awards page! OSM Awards is 
all about showing active members of the community that their work is 
seen and respected. Please head to the awards website and choose 
nominees you think are worthy of the award.

All you have to do is to click some checkboxes against their names, and 
press the "Vote" button. You can mark as many nominees as you like, even 
all of them.


The voting ends in less than a month, so please do not postpone visiting 
the website — spend a minute right now. Please vote and see you at the 
State of the Map!


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