[OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Carto release v4.23.0

Joseph Eisenberg joseph.eisenberg at gmail.com
Fri Sep 20 12:24:07 UTC 2019

OpenStreetMap Carto (the default stylesheet on the OSM website) has
released version v4.23.0 today.

Changes include:

- The low priority layers were changed to use the same labeling
algorithm as the other layers
    This fixes a bug which rendered `parking` icons twice, among others.

- Restored rendering of landcover text labels on points
    For some time some features mapped as nodes, like sports_centres,
did not have a label.

- Adjust `aerodrome` initial & final zoom levels
    Aerodrome text labels start a little later, but also continue to
higher zoom levels

- Adjusted width of `hedge` & `citywall` up to z20, adjusted hedge color

- Increased `office=` initial zoom level to z18 and moved some
undocument or deprecated values to z19

- Created new layer for `ref` of
`highway=residential/unclassified/track` (#3709)
    Changes `ref` to standard halo-radius, oblique font, and same size
as `name` at >z17

- Added fill colors for `wetland=mangrove/saltmarsh/reedbed`
    Also adds salt dots pattern for `wetland=saltmarsh`

Once changes are deployed on the openstreetmap.org it will take couple
of days before all tiles show the new rendering.

For a full list of commits, see

We welcome any bug reports at
https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues, and we
welcome new contributors who might be interested in solving one of the
many open issues.

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