[OSM-dev] MassGIS import under way

Brandon Martin-Anderson badhill at gmail.com
Tue Oct 9 01:08:44 BST 2007

Hey all,

Inspired by the success of the 0.5 release (down for a week? we're made of
sterner stuff!), and with the blessing of MassGIS, I wrote scripts to upload
Massachusetts data from MassGIS. Chris Schmidt checked it over, and we began
uploading individual cities via JOSM today. The script is here:


Chris has already converted the whole state using the script, and the
resulting OSM files are here:


Using the city-numeral convention found here:


About four cities have been uploaded completely, and Boston is currently
under way. We don't have any sort of a queue set up and have been
coordinating the upload ad-hoc through email.

Unordered notes:
* MassGIS data notes one-way roads, but does not say which way they go. All
oneway nodes are uploaded with a "node=FIXME unreviewed oneway" tag.
* Cities are relatively small, and aren't linked to neighboring city
datasets. As a result, if you wish to use MassGIS for routing, you're going
to need to stitch adjoining cities together somehow
* All streets have a lane, width, and condition tag. So cool!
* The data quality is really very high
* Chris notes that bulk_upload imports are unusually slow compared to JOSM
uploads, due maybe to the unsorted IDs in the OSM file.
* Chris notes that at full tilt the whole state shouldn't take much longer
than a day.

Brandon Martin-Anderson
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