[OSM-dev] Mapnik slippy map flooded

Jason Reid osm at bowvalleytechnologies.com
Wed Feb 6 22:28:59 GMT 2008

Jon Burgess wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-02-06 at 22:06 +0100, Marc Schütz wrote:
>> Since the newest mapnik rerendering, large parts of Germany are flooded on 
>> some zoom levels:
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=50.077&lon=9.687&zoom=10&layers=B0FT
> There was a problem with the new coastline setup which caused all tiles
> to be rendered under water for a few minutes this evening. This should
> be fixed now. I've extracted a list of all tiles rendered in that period
> and I'm forcing them to be rendered at the moment.
> If you force a reload on the tiles in the link above you should see them
> fixed already.
> Some parts of the US and Canada will be under water until the coastline
> improves in those areas (see http://tile.openstreetmap.nl/ ). The mapnik
> render is now using the shapefiles shown on this map which are generated
> from the OSM natural=coastline ways.
> 	Jon
Fortunately this should be fixed in the most part by this weekend. I've 
filled in several thousand kilometers of coastline in northern Canada in 
the past couple days, and have a couple hundred kilometers of gaps left 
to fill that are the biggest problems on the mainland, likely these will 
be done tonight and uploaded tomorrow. Some of the larger islands exist 
in part, and gaps in data such as those I've been correcting using the 
lakewalker plugin with a small modification to use the Landsat IR3 
instead of IR1 imagery.

If anyone else wants to help cleaning up parts that have small gaps or 
backwards ways, especially around Alaska and BC, it would be much 

-Jason Reid

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