[OSM-dev] Can SQLite3 handle OSM 150G data file?

Stefan de Konink stefan at konink.de
Tue Apr 28 00:29:54 BST 2009

Kelly Jones wrote:
> I've seen many posts saying that SQLite2 can't handle OpenStreetMap's
> large planet.osm data file:
> http://planet.openstreetmap.org/planet-090421.osm.bz2
> which is 5.4G bzip2 compressed, about 150G uncompressed.
> Can SQLite3 handle this? Has anyone tried?
> I tried to do this myself, but I'm on a slow machine and it's taking
> too long (several days so far). If someone's done this, can I get a copy?

MonetDB compresses the complete planet to 29GB. That should give an 
indication what it should be 'at least'.


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