[OSM-dev] Planet OSM 'bad result during COPY'

Jon Burgess jburgess777 at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 15 21:49:39 BST 2010

On Thu, 2010-04-15 at 12:01 -0700, Seth Voltz wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> I've searched high and low for a solution to this problem and have found nothing that works. I have successfully imported a CloudMade extract of California into my PostGIS database and rendered tiles from it using the Mapnik scripts. Able to confirm basic functionality, I decided to move up to a full planet import. I have tried 3 planet files (100317, 100401 and 100407) with the same error at different points for each file and sometimes different places for the same file on different runs. No import is able to get past the nodes import. From searching on the forums it at first seemed the error was being caused by duplicate data in the Planet file and running without --slim would bypass the problem. Here is the latest run on the 100401 planet export without slim mode:
> - ---------------------------------------------------
> Reading in file: planet-100401.osm.bz2
> Processing: Node(61870k) Way(0k) Relation(0k)planet_osm_point - bad result during COPY, data 86767681   \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N       \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      Unterdürnbach   \N      \N      \N      \N      \N       \N      village \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      \N      SRID=900913;POINT(1767106.17982627 6203496.15919218)
> Error occurred, cleaning up
> #> 
> - ---------------------------------------------------
> Running with slim mode on yields the same errors earlier in the document (around 32000k if memory serves)

Odd, I don't think I have ever seen that error before. The presence of
that "ü" in the output makes me wonder if this is an encoding issue.
Your database using should be UTF-8:

$ psql -l
                                  List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |  Collation  |    Ctype    |   Access
 gis       | jburgess | UTF8     | en_GB.UTF-8 | en_GB.UTF-8 | 

If it is not UTF-8 then you will need to create it again, e.g.

$ createdb -E UTF8 -O <username> gis

If that does not work then perhaps you should look in the postgresql
server log to see if that includes a more verbose error message.


> My installation is CentOS 5.4 with the latest SVN (20912) osm2pgsql. PostgreSQL 5.4.3 and postgis 1.3.6-1 were installed via Yum from the PGDG84 repository.
> Thanks in advance for any help.
> — Seth

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