[OSM-dev] Urban Development Map Project

Josh Doe josh at joshdoe.com
Mon Mar 26 13:27:41 BST 2012

On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:53 AM, Reed Duecy-Gibbs <rduecyg at gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> First, I’m interested in seeing how this project can integrate with OSM.
> However, any urban development that is hypothetical, still in the design
> phase, or under construction would probably be confusing to include in
> general OSM data. I’m assuming then that I need to create my own data on a
> separate server and use OSM as a base map. But, I want to double check this
> fact as it could save me a lot of trouble. (In general I would like to
> integrate and contribute to existing networks and knowledge bases as much as
> possible).
> [...]

I think you've got it right, you'd want to setup a separate database
(check out OpenAvationMap [0] and the USGS Collaborative Prototype
[1]). Last year I was interested in using OSM for the Safe Routes to
School (SRTS) program, where the idea was to let users copy a portion
of the main OSM database around a particular school, then make edits
to see how adding/removing paths and sidewalks would impact the
walkability of a particular school. See a previous thread I started
[2] which discussed this idea of "Multiple temporary API instances".


[0]: http://navigator.er.usgs.gov/
[1]: http://openaviationmap.org/
[2]: http://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/dev/2011-August/023403.html

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