[HOT] Meeting with WB about MapMaker?

andrzej zaborowski balrogg at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 01:41:25 GMT 2012


On 3 February 2012 00:39, Martin Holmgren <d95marty at gmail.com> wrote:
> Good luck at the meeting, it will be very interesting to hear the World
> Bank's reasons for choosing Google as partner over OSM.

I hear everyone complaining about this decision, and me I'd also like
everyone to just partner with OSM and never with Google, but in the
end I can understand their position.  They're not choosing Google over
OSM, they're trying to use all tools that are available to fight
poverty.  OSM is one tool, GMM is another.  GMM has some an undeniable
advantage, its popularity.

The other day Frederik wrote a message in a thread about some data
import in a HOT activation, saying something like "if the goal is to
help build OSM community in that area, then this may be the wrong
way".  I thought "duh... no, Frederik, the goal is to help rescuers on
the ground save lives".  Now HOT is on the other side of the argument.
 World Bank is doing something that in the long term may damaging to
world's free data but right now it's helping fight poverty.


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