[Osmf-talk] Anonymous Membership for OSMF

Simon Poole simon at poole.ch
Fri Feb 26 22:41:17 UTC 2016

Am 26.02.2016 um 22:49 schrieb Peter Barth:
> Hi,
> Simon, thanks for the clarification.
> Simon Poole schrieb:
>> [...] As a result I don't think this is a big issue, as long as
>> this remain confidential OSMF information (because as pointed out above
>> the register of associate members is not available for public inspection).
> But as far as I understand it the register of associate members is
> visible to other OSMF membersĀ¹. Of course the names could still be kept 
> confidential and only OSM usernames would be published. However, as you 
> suggested, the private information will always be visible to the board since 
> none of the offered payment methods is anonymous.
The register of associate members is available for members and the board
to inspect, not the public, and there is no requirements on its contents
(contrary to that for normal members). Just as you would have in a
German association or similar. the main reason for this is that
otherwise the board could hinder use of the democratic rights the
members have. The board has very far reaching powers to determine the
conditions on which such an inspection can take place and I assume (as
the AoA state) that any data privacy relevant information would not be
included. I've got no idea what the current boards policy on this is


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