[Osmf-talk] [HOT] [hotosm-membership] Re: Code of Conduct Reminder

Christoph Hormann chris_hormann at gmx.de
Sat Dec 16 00:04:26 UTC 2017

On Friday 15 December 2017, Kate Chapman wrote:
> In English it would be okay to say you hate a thing, it is not okay
> to say you hate people or a group of people. What was said was
> completely inappropriate because of that difference.

A bit of general advise regarding cross cultural communication - not 
targeted at anyone in particular:

It is always a good idea to not think and argue in absolutes when it 
comes to assessment of behaviour, especially if it is about behaviour 
through which people communicate their feelings.

That people are communicating in English here does not mean in any way 
they agree to conform to an American or British understanding of what 
is and is not acceptable behaviour.  I know this is much easier for 
non-native English speakers to accept but since this is an 
international cross cultural project i think this is something also 
native English speakers need to accept.

Christoph Hormann

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