[Osmf-talk] attribution: board letter to facebook

Rihards rihards at nakts.net
Sun Oct 20 09:59:22 UTC 2019

On 11.10.19 23:21, Nuno Caldeira wrote:
>> 3) You've repeatedly mentioned the OSM map attributed to HERE. As
>> Martin noted, Facebook has updated many of their attributions
>> recently, so please provide an updated screencapture, the name of the
>> app, and instructions to replicate. While your videos are labeled
>> (like most people I don't own and Windows phone, so I cannot
>> reproduce) but your screenshots are not. Are these all from Windows
>> phone apps?
> Hi Kathleen, here's the screen capture. Sadly the marketplace section is
> crashing the app at the moment and i can't pintpoint other. but the one
> i send is pretty much shows this situation that was reported one year
> ago is still on going. Actions speaks louder than words.
> https://youtu.be/aFOMotFIEb8

Nuno, that's really great work on collecting evidence.
Going through email list archives is not efficient, though - would you
have a chance to collect this information in a subpage for
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Lacking_proper_attribution ?

If it's kept very neutral and only stated facts, it would allow to
reference one up-to-date material in discussions here, or perhaps even
use it as a basis for a board letter (if board can be convinced to send
Or it could transform into an article for media outlets - there are
likely many potential usecases for a groomed text.

Personally I'd love to read something with minimum reliance on videos
(with textual descriptions on what the problem is when a video is
needed), but anything in this area is already very helpful - thank you

> obviously i can't check every single map, but this serves as an example
> of how serious facebook takes us and the community feedback.
> Here's the same location at HERE (no cablecar, no islet, different
> coastline)
> https://wego.here.com/?map=32.64412,-16.90614,16,public_transport
> and at OSM https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=16/32.6450/-16.9074
> OSM history https://pewu.github.io/osm-history/#/way/605003222
> Islet history: https://pewu.github.io/osm-history/#/way/165511735
> If this is not misleading and or license violation i don't know what it
> it. And again, this was reported 365 days ago. plenty of time to fix.-- 

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