[Tagging] pastry and confectionery

Peter Wendorff wendorff at uni-paderborn.de
Sat Jun 8 15:26:48 UTC 2013

I'm not sure where best to add this in the huge discussion tree now, but
I stumbled upon this article out of the German magazine "Spiegel" a few
minutes ago:


While it deals most with what's a "restaurant" and that the traditional
cooks want to preserve "restaurant" (or the French variant of course) as
some kind of quality label, French bakers did that already.


"Vorbild sind die Bäcker, die 1998 gegen den Vormarsch der
Supermarkt-Baguettes erreichten, dass die Kennzeichnung "Boulangerie"
("Bäckerei") nur noch für Läden gilt, in denen Mehl gemischt, Teig
geknetet und Brot gebacken wird."

roughly translated: A Boulangerie is only suitable for shops where flour
is mixed, dough is worked and bread is baked.


Am 02.06.2013 11:04, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
> I'd like to advertise the tag shop=pastry for places that sell (and usually
> produce) sweet bakery products pastry, cakes, biscuits, strudel etc.
> opposed to what usually is referred to as confectionery (candies, sweets).
> IMHO these are two quite distinct places and I don't think its a good idea
> to mix them up like the page of shop=confectionery currently suggests to
> do: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:shop%3Dconfectionery  ("a shop
> selling sweets and pastry").
> cheers,
> Martin
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