[Tagging] Deprecate amenity=youth_centre in favour of sub-tag community_centre=* or community_centre:for=*

Tom Pfeifer t.pfeifer at computer.org
Mon Sep 21 10:11:04 UTC 2015

Janko Mihelić wrote on 2015-09-21 11:34:
> There is amenity=arts_centre which is a subclass of amenity=community_centre. It's used 11 688 times. So the cat's out of the bag, why wouldn't you use youth_centre if we already use art_centre?

These are different cases. The arts_centre is performance/exhibition oriented and might have a small overlap with community_centre.
The youth_centre is a 100% subclass of community_centre, a place where a particular target group meets on a daily to weekly basis.

> But another thing bothers me with youth_centre, and that is, what if it is an arts_centre for youths?

Such "What if" questions appear rather hypothetical to me unless you have real examples where there would be a conflict.


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