[Tagging] Recommendation for building tags

Vozniuk Taras taras.vozniuk at geothings.tw
Thu Jul 27 05:14:25 UTC 2017

Hi guys,

We are developing the app, where users can add tags to buildings via predefined presets, but we are not sure about some tags. Can you guys recommend the proper way of tagging the following:

1. Whether the building is permanent or not.
Users select from the following preset {permanent, semi-permanent, non-permanent} . Cannot really find an appropriate tag for this.

2. If building contains a basement.
Should we use basement={yes, no}, or building:basement={yes, no}

3. Shape of the building.
We need to tag the shape of building polygon. Possible selection from {t-shaped, l-shaped, multi-projected, box, rectangular}. 
I have’t found any information regarding tagging building shape, I guess it is not a common practice, right? We need to know the shape of the building that affects the resistance of the structure to natural disasters like earthquake or flood.
Any recommendations for the appropriate tag and selection here?

4. Slope of the site where building is located.
Selection from {flat, moderate, steep}. Can we use incline tag for this?

Thanks a lot!

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