[Tagging] رد: رد: New rag to draw node name with rotate angle

Kevin Kenny kevin.b.kenny at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 16:26:49 UTC 2018

On 11/10/18 8:52 AM, دار الآثار للنشر والتوزيع-صنعاء Dar Alathar-Yemen 
> For OpenStreetMap rendrer:
> *https://www.openstreetmap.org/search?whereami=1&query=-1.406%2C0.220#map=3/-18.56/24.43*
> *Somalia, Madagasikara,Yemen **اليمن, Oman **عمانwill be best if they 
> have a rotate angle*
> *India does not appear, Kynia has a chance to appear if Somalia has 
> rotate angle also Ghana have chance to appear if down vertically*
> **
> *In MAPS.ME android*
> *Seas: Red sea, Persian Gulf and many other seas will be view better 
> with rotate angle*
> **
> *In All map renderers name of Sweden and Norway can be in middle if it 
> have a rotate angle*
> **
We all agree that rotated labels - or even better, curved labels - would 
improve the rendering.Most of us are arguing that having mappers tag 
place=* nodes with an angle is the wrong way to achieve this.

The renderer that I use for my personal experiments doesn't even use 
place=* nodes if there is a corresponding administrative boundary, 
because it has more flexibility in label placement if it ignores them.

I do intend at some point to experiment with implementing a Mapnik 
symbolizer that can do curved labels on area features - they'd be ideal 
for island chains (Japan, Hawai`i), chains of lakes, and mountain 
ranges, as well as for elongated countries like Chile or Norway, or 
elongated waterbodies such as the Adriatic Sea, the Gulf of Bothnia or 
Lake Nyasa.

If mappers were to specify rotation on place nodes, it would only get in 
the way of doing it right - for instance, the renderer would no longer 
be free to choose a different layout to avoid collisions.

It's awkward, too, for alternative renderers, such as navigation 
displays, that are not always north-at-the-top. I've done one (very 
simple) rendering at one point for a talk about a fire tower - it showed 
the plotting board of an Osborne alidade, with labels oriented to face 
the observer - labels at the near edge of the map would be upside down! 
A simple rotation of labels would not have been easy to compute, since 
the device also does not use anything resembling spherical Mercator, but 
rather a general perspective projection.

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