November 2018 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Nov 1 03:12:45 UTC 2018
Ending: Fri Nov 30 23:21:06 UTC 2018
Messages: 688
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
- [Tagging] Water collection points (in french "Borne de puisage")
Vincent Bergeot
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
Nikulainen, Jukka K
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Water collection points (in french "Borne de puisage")
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Water collection points (in french "Borne de puisage")
- [Tagging] Water collection points (in french "Borne de puisage")
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Area with restaurants, hotels, cinemas - is it landuse=commercial?
- [Tagging] Water collection points (in french "Borne de puisage")
Vincent Bergeot
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Water collection points (in french "Borne de puisage")
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Area with restaurants, hotels, cinemas - is it landuse=commercial?
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
Eugene Alvin Villar
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
Eugene Alvin Villar
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
Roland Olbricht
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
Leif Rasmussen
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
Agustin Rissoli
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
Andrew Harvey
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Tod Fitch
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
- [Tagging] RfC - tagging whatever power line is isolated as attribute
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave F
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables Proposal RFC
- [Tagging] RfC - tagging whatever power line is isolated as attribute
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Leif Rasmussen
- [Tagging] RfC - tagging whatever power line is isolated as attribute
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] RfC - tagging whatever power line is isolated as attribute
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - emergency=fire_alarm_box
Stefano Maffulli
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] RfC - tagging whatever power line is isolated as attribute
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - emergency=fire_alarm_box
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - emergency=fire_alarm_box
Stefano Maffulli
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - emergency=fire_alarm_box
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - emergency=fire_alarm_box
Stefano Maffulli
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - emergency=fire_alarm_box
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway&In-Reply-To=<LQEKhFS--3-1 at>
Nikulainen, Jukka K
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway&In-Reply-To=<LQEKhFS--3-1 at>
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway&In-Reply-To=<LQEKhFS--3-1 at>
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Gerd Petermann
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Colin Smale
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - emergency=fire_alarm_box
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Colin Smale
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Colin Smale
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - emergency=fire_alarm_box
Stefano Maffulli
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - emergency=fire_alarm_box
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - emergency=fire_alarm_box
Stefano Maffulli
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Colin Smale
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] How to include the new speed limits of Madrid (Spain)?
Alejandro Moreno
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
Nikulainen, Jukka K
- [Tagging] How to include the new speed limits of Madrid (Spain)?
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
John Willis
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
Anton Klim
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
John Willis
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
Anton Klim
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Government Archives
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Gerd Petermann
- [Tagging] Government Archives
Anton Klim
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Gerd Petermann
- [Tagging] Members of route=pipeline relations
Gerd Petermann
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Jonathon Rossi
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Government Archives
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Frederik Ramm
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
djakk djakk
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Eugene Alvin Villar
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Government Archives
marc marc
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
- [Tagging] Government Archives
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Government Archives
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
John Willis
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Government Archives
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
Eugene Alvin Villar
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
John Willis
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Peter Elderson
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Leif Rasmussen
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Philip Barnes
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Philip Barnes
- [Tagging] Reversible Road tagging
Jack Burke
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Reversible Road tagging
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
marc marc
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Gerd Petermann
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Cascafico Giovanni
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tramtrack on highway
Nikulainen, Jukka K
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Lionel Giard
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
marc marc
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
دار الآثار للنشر والتوزيع-صنعاء Dar Alathar-Yemen
- [Tagging] Public Transport Timetables
- [Tagging] Slipways (for boats)
Andy Mabbett
- [Tagging] Slipways (for boats)
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
- [Tagging] New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Reversible Road tagging
yo paseopor
- [Tagging] Slipways (for boats)
- [Tagging] Reversible Road tagging
- [Tagging] Government Archives
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Government Archives
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Government Archives
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] رد: New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
دار الآثار للنشر والتوزيع-صنعاء Dar Alathar-Yemen
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] رد: New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Slipways (for boats)
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] رد: New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Slipways (for boats)
Andrew Harvey
- [Tagging] رد: رد: New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
دار الآثار للنشر والتوزيع-صنعاء Dar Alathar-Yemen
- [Tagging] رد: رد: New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Marc Gemis
- [Tagging] رد: رد: New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
دار الآثار للنشر والتوزيع-صنعاء Dar Alathar-Yemen
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Dave F
- [Tagging] New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Greg Troxel
- [Tagging] New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Dave F
- [Tagging] New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Greg Troxel
- [Tagging] رد: New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Dave F
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] visa offices tags
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] رد: رد: New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 110, Issue 70
Jack Burke
- [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 110, Issue 70
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] رد: رد: New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Eugene Alvin Villar
- [Tagging] رد: رد: New rag to draw node name with rotate angle
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Reversible Road tagging
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Reversible Road tagging
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Colin Smale
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Colin Smale
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
marc marc
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
marc marc
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Reversible Road tagging
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Reversible Road tagging
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] How to include the new speed limits of Madrid (Spain)?
Alejandro Moreno
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Colin Smale
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
- [Tagging] How to tag named group of named water areas?
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Noémie Lehuby
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
marc marc
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Simon Poole
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] tagging for an office of the local representative to parliament
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
- [Tagging] Reversible Road tagging
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Colin Smale
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Eugene Alvin Villar
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
marc marc
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
- [Tagging] [Talk-us] Population during mandatory evacuations
Greg Troxel
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Cascafico Giovanni
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Peter Elderson
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Petroleum extraction
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
- [Tagging] Petroleum extraction
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - (consulate)-->(office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Nick Bolten
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Nick Bolten
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
marc marc
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
- [Tagging] Proposed features - RFC - Pipe valves
François Lacombe
- [Tagging] Proposed features - RFC - Pipe valves
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Peter Elderson
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Frederik Ramm
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Ture Pålsson
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (office=diplomatic)
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Frederik Ramm
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Definitive mapper-feedback style (was: Re: Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska)
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (office=diplomatic)
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (office=diplomatic)
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (office=diplomatic)
Colin Smale
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Peter Elderson
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Frederik Ramm
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Proposed features/Boat school - RFC
Otto Wyss
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Eugene Alvin Villar
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Christoph Hormann
- [Tagging] Using multipolygons to map bays in Alaska
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] [OSM-talk-be] identifier in ref:xOperatorx=y0yyyy to url=
André Pirard
- [Tagging] [OSM-talk-be] identifier in ref:xOperatorx=y0yyyy to url=
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Fountain water area?
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Fountain water area?
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] [OSM-talk-be] identifier in ref:xOperatorx=y0yyyy to url=
André Pirard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Nikulainen, Jukka K
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Nikulainen, Jukka K
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
marc marc
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Noémie Lehuby
- [Tagging] Tagging animal sanctuaries
Nicolas Maia
- [Tagging] Tagging animal sanctuaries
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Michael Brandtner
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Philip Barnes
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
marc marc
- [Tagging] Estimated values for height
Nick Bolten
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Nikulainen, Jukka K
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Nikulainen, Jukka K
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Michael Brandtner
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Michael Brandtner
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Michael Brandtner
- [Tagging] RfC: tagging whatever power line is insulated as an attribute
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Physical vs legal access tagging on barriers
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
marc marc
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
marc marc
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Physical vs legal access tagging on barriers
- [Tagging] Physical vs legal access tagging on barriers
Jérôme Seigneuret
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Nikulainen, Jukka K
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Marc Gemis
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Philip Barnes
- [Tagging] (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Michael Patrick
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - (Tramtrack_on_highway)
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Tracks for moveable large objects
- [Tagging] Tracks for moveable large objects
Michael Patrick
- [Tagging] How to map a sliding section of the Alaska Pipeline
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Tracks for moveable large objects
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Eugene Alvin Villar
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 110, Issue 135 Trans Alaska oil line
St Niklaas
- [Tagging] antenna type
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Tagging Digest, Vol 110, Issue 135 Trans Alaska oil line
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Eugene Alvin Villar
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
- [Tagging] antenna type
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] antenna type
- [Tagging] antenna type
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] antenna type
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] antenna type
François Lacombe
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] antenna type
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Allan Mustard
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] antenna type
François Lacombe
- [Tagging] antenna type
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] antenna type
Colin Smale
- [Tagging] antenna type
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - landuse=governmental
- [Tagging] antenna type
- [Tagging] antenna type
François Lacombe
- [Tagging] antenna type
François Lacombe
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Alan McConchie
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Paul Norman
- [Tagging] antenna type
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] antenna type
- [Tagging] How to map a sliding section of the Alaska Pipeline
Michael Patrick
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Doug Hembry
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Alan McConchie
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Proposed features - RFC - Pipe valves
François Lacombe
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Proposed features - RFC - Pipe valves
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Eugene Alvin Villar
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
- [Tagging] How to map a sliding section of the Alaska Pipeline
Dave Swarthout
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Eugene Alvin Villar
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Peter Elderson
- [Tagging] Proposed features - RFC - Pipe valves
- [Tagging] Add some tag to identify disputed borders
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Frederik Ramm
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Proposed features - RFC - Pipe valves
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Clifford Snow
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
Marc Gemis
- [Tagging] [OSM-talk] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
Roland Olbricht
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
Marc Gemis
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] My proposal for disputed country borders
Rory McCann
- [Tagging] My proposal for disputed country borders
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] My proposal for disputed country borders
Yuri Astrakhan
- [Tagging] My proposal for disputed country borders
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Doug Hembry
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] My proposal for disputed country borders
- [Tagging] Named walking tracks following road
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Named walking tracks following road
- [Tagging] Named walking tracks following road
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Named walking tracks following road
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
- [Tagging] My proposal for disputed country borders
Rory McCann
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Paul Allen
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Doug Hembry
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Mateusz Konieczny
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Doug Hembry
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Named walking tracks following road
Andy Townsend
- [Tagging] telescope types ... more type nonsense
- [Tagging] antenna use key to replace some of the antenna type
- [Tagging] telescope types ... more type nonsense
Michael Patrick
- [Tagging] telescope types ... more type nonsense
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Alan McConchie
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Alan McConchie
- [Tagging] antenna use key to replace some of the antenna type
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Paul Johnson
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Mark Wagner
- [Tagging] antenna use key to replace some of the antenna type
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] antenna use key to replace some of the antenna type
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Michael Brandtner
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Suggestion: ref:mobile_payment for amenity=parking
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Doug Hembry
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - emergency=fire_alarm_box
Stefano Maffulli
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting -, boundary=aboriginal_lands
Doug Hembry
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - boundary=aboriginal_lands
Daniel Koć
- [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting -, boundary=aboriginal_lands
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Martin Koppenhoefer
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Joseph Eisenberg
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Tod Fitch
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Tod Fitch
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] antenna use key to replace some of the antenna type
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Graeme Fitzpatrick
- [Tagging] Astronomy telescopes vs tourist terrestrial telescopes
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Kevin Kenny
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Sergio Manzi
- [Tagging] Neighborhood Gateway Signs?
Last message date:
Fri Nov 30 23:21:06 UTC 2018
Archived on: Fri Nov 30 23:21:17 UTC 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).