[Tagging] Additional tags for camp pitches and campsites (Re: Tag:tourism=camp_pitch)

Joseph Eisenberg joseph.eisenberg at gmail.com
Sun Jun 30 13:29:36 UTC 2019

I would like to discuss what other tags can be recommended for use on
a tourism=camp_pitch feature.

There are already a number of tags suggested at the wiki pages for
tourism=camp_site and tourism=caravan_site:
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:tourism=camp_site#Tagging -
however not all of these tags have been discussed or approved

An alternative was proposed that uses namespacing with camp_pitch, eg
camp_pitch:drinking_water=yes instead of drinking_water=yes, but I
don't think this is helpful -

The most basic tags would show whether the camp pitch (or campsite)
allows tent(s), caravan(s) or both, or if there are 1 or more cabins.
I've already added these to the wiki page for Tag:tourism=camp_pitch
(and they were already on the French page even before this!)

caravans	yes/no	 Whether camping in vehicles is allowed
cabins	<number>	 Whether cabins are offered
tents	       yes/no	 Whether camping in tents is allowed

(The alternative would be something like camp_pitch:type=tent;caravan
- but this doesn't seem as helpful since it requires semicolons in
values. I'm not certain about using "cabins=<number>" for pitches, but
it fits with the pattern for camp_site and caravan_site)

The common keys "capacity" and "surface" can certainly be used with
camp pitches:

capacity	number	Maximum number of visitors allowed
surface	paved/unpaved/grass/etc.	The surface material of the pitch

The approved keys  "internet_access" and "drinking_water" can be used:

drinking_water	yes/no	Availability of water to drink.
internet_access	wlan	Provision of access to the internet, typically via WiFi.

We recently discussed this tag for electricity supply:

power_supply	yes/no	Whether the pitch has electricity

This leaves some less common tags to discuss:

bbq	                yes/no	Whether a bbq (grill) is available
(but barbecue_grill=yes is also used)

parking	yes/no	If motor vehicle parking is permitted at the pitch
(this is rare compared to use of the key "parking=*" to describe the
type of amenity=parking - but I'm not aware of a better alternative)

booking	yes/no/recommended/required	If the pitch can be booked in advance

(This tag is not very common yet. Alternatives would be "reservation="
which is more common, or "reservable=*" etc)

openfire	yes/no	Whether an open-fire is permitted or not

(This tag is used over 2000 times, though it's definition could be clearer)

There are a couple of additional property tags that I haven't yet added.

At https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Key:camp_pitch
there was a suggestion for camp_pitch:picnic_table=yes/no

Perhaps picnic_table=yes/no could be used? 427 uses already per taginfo

There was also: "camp_pitch:drain=yes/no"	"There is a grey water drain
for this pitch."

This seems less useful, but perhaps this is for RV/caravans, which I
don't use. The simple tag "drain=yes/no" could be confused with uses
to describe the type of waterway=drain, so I'm not sure what's best
for this.


On 6/30/19, Warin <61sundowner at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 30/06/19 09:18, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
>> On Sun, 30 Jun 2019 at 09:06, Joseph Eisenberg
>> <joseph.eisenberg at gmail.com <mailto:joseph.eisenberg at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Re: "slab=yes/no to show whether there is a slab on the pitch"
>>     I find this confusing. Is this different than surface=concrete? or
>>     surface=paved?
>> A bit different, yes.
>> Have a look at https://images.app.goo.gl/2qBV3P3R2wc7wmV27
>> The surface of the pitch is grass, but there is also a concrete slab
>> in place. You can see that the motorhome on the next site is parked on
>> the grass, but their awning is out over the slab, which is where they
>> have their table & chairs out. Sites in caravan parks may or may not
>> have slabs, & this is something that campers want to know about.
>>     Re: "off-ground only" for fires - this value has never been used for
>>     the key openfire. I find it confusing; I think of an open fire as a
>>     wood fire on the ground, not charcoal in a portable grill.
>> True, but they can also be wood burning such as:
>> https://www.google.com/search?q=brazier&newwindow=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjKup666I_jAhWIq48KHUggC_sQ_AUIECgB&biw=1242&bih=603
>> or
>> https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&biw=1242&bih=603&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=1vAXXdzWI9e2rQHCrJyADw&q=portable+fire+pit&oq=portable+fire+pit&gs_l=img.3..0i67j0l9.14265.21035..21774...1.0..0.187.1916.0j12......0....1..gws-wiz-img.......0i10i24.j7lMvYUZyno
>> Some caravan parks will only allow fires if they are off the ground,
>> as they don't want their grass burnt!
>>     However, the key "openfire=" has never been extensively discussed, so
>>     it may be ambiguous in actual use.
>> May be something that has to be done!
> These additional tags have not been 'approved'. Adding them to a page of
> an 'approved' tag may be seen by some  as giving them the same status.
> Be careful.

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