[Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Emergency=Rescue Stations

Graeme Fitzpatrick graemefitz1 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 00:01:12 UTC 2020

With some comments copied from the discussion page to keep people who may
not be following both, up to date.

On Tue, 22 Dec 2020 at 18:15, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <
tagging at openstreetmap.org> wrote:

> marine rescue defined to not be limited to marine is quite ugly
> Is term "water rescue" clear and acceptable? (not a native speaker)

As Andrew said, not really very clear & easily confused with lifeguards,
especially when there is a tag of {{tag|emergency=water_rescue_station}},
which, although apparently never discussed, appears to be a direct
translation of the German" Wasserrettungsstation", & which should probably
be merged with one of the existing lifeguard tags?

Marine Rescue is a widely accepted term for those units that are dedicated
to the rescue of vessels &/or sailors in distress, & should not cause any

> However, a  lot of the inland rescue stations that I have looked at,
> appear to be lifeguard services intended to look after swimmers close to
> shore, rather than vessels &/or sailors in deeper waters, so they should
> probably be listed under one of the lifeguard tags?
> At least
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=54.0312&mlon=21.7749#map=12/54.0312/21.7749
> (at relatively small lake) has[1] speedboats and other equipment capable
> of rescuing people
> sailing in deeper waters, about 1.5 km from shore (not farther, as middle
> of lake is
> 1-2 km from nearest land). In the worst case they would rescuing
> (coordinating rescue)
> from big tourism ships circling lake and carrying about 100-200 people or
> people from sailing
> boats who ignored warning of an incoming storm.

Yes, they do have that capability, the same as dedicated Blue-Water Marine
Rescue units have the capability of rescuing swimmers who get into trouble
close to the beach, & even in rivers - Been There, Done That!, but it's not
their primary intended function. In a similar way, in the past Police have
put out fires & delivered babies, & Fire Brigade personnel have detained
criminals, but while they "can" do it, that is not their *designated* role,
so we don't call Police, Fire Brigade or Ambulance, & we don't call Fire
Brigade, Police. In OSM, just because a shop sells lollies, chips & soft
drinks, we don't call it a convenience store, we call it a newsagent,
because that is its primary role. Units that are *primarily* intended as
lifeguards ie guarding swimmers, should be called (one of the varieties of)
"lifeguard", while units that are intended to help vessels / sailors in
distress should be Marine Rescue.

I am not familiar with Baikal or other actually big lakes but I expect that
> they may have
> similar or more serious rescue services, comparable with marine ones.

   - I don't know about Baikal either, but, TBMK, there are no dedicated
   rescue units, either for boats or swimmers, on any lake, dam or river in
   Australia. If a boat doesn't return, it becomes a Water Police case,
   usually assisted by the State Emergency Service, both of whom have to bring
   their boats to the scene via trailers on road, & other private vessels.
   - It turns out that yes, there is a Rescue unit covering the Baikal
   but, despite the photo of a very nice Rescue boat, I would classify them
   under the emergency=disaster_response tag

> Looking at some of the existing lifeboat tags, I've also noticed that
> virtually all of them are tagged as both amenity=lifeboat & also
> emergency=lifeboat, which would seem to break the One Tag Only rule?
> We have no "one tag rule". There may be confusion with
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/One_feature,_one_OSM_element

Sorry, yes, I used the wrong wording, but regardless, using two tags on one
feature, such as the Tower Lifeboat Station you mentioned earlier
https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/186177881, would seem incorrect?

Great! I was mentioning this because there were cases of confused people
> who
> thought that OSM Carto (default map style) is obligated to follow outcomes
> of proposal process, including implementation of proposed rendering rules.

Yes, understood. I'm sure that will be another spirited discussion!


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