[Tagging] Adding values healthcare=dispensary and healthcare=community_care?

Mateusz Konieczny matkoniecz at tutanota.com
Wed May 20 01:04:29 UTC 2020

May 20, 2020, 02:48 by claire.halleux at hotosm.org:

> Therefore, if we keep the facility angle, "health_post" and "community_care_site" values would make sense. Otherwise, based on the main provider, we could use "nurse" and "community_relay" (if this literal translation makes any sense in English). Which option makes more sense in your opinion and why?
Not a native speaker but:

nurse - may mean "nurse office in school", "nurse office in hospital" and the intended meaning

community_relay - unclear meaning, healthcare=community_relay sounds
like something about transporting medicine

health_post, community_care_site sound reasonable but I would need to look at
documentation to understand meaning (though it is likely to be true with any value)
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