[Talk-ca] mp2osm - easy program

Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at gmail.com
Tue Feb 9 03:38:27 GMT 2010

Hi, I see your name on the code for the mp2osm python script. I might have
asked you about this before.


I think i cracked the code, as all i need to do is have that "short.mp"
file, in the same directory as the python folder.
and run it, just as i would with mkgmap or sendmap or groundtruth .. and
just let the program do it's magic.

I figured that all i need todo is make sure that my line types & point types
that are in the .mp file, will convert to the correct OSM file type.

Once i have it converted into OSM format, i can then use gpsbabel and make a
.gpx track from it.  Or i can use JOSM and right-click and save layer as
gpx.   - Not directly related to OSM, but it's a great tool to be able to
swap back from the Garmin MapSource maps (ie. the Ontario Snowmobile trails
from the last message).  (But not the Ibycus topo 'cause the licence forbids

Anyway, would you be able to confirm for me that the script does in fact
still work?


P.S. I have the grountruthSRTM contours for your area done. Do you want to
download the file and test it out?
My contours are 10m .. where the Ibycus is at 20m.   I can make 5meter
contours, do you think that's needed?

copied below ... the wheel was only invented once :) & duplicated 4 times to
make a car. 2 times to make a bicycle.  the later is much more efficient :)

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blog:  http://Acrosscanadatrails.blogspot.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/sam.vekemans
Skype: samvekemans
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# derived from 'mp2osm_ukraine.py'
# modified by simon at mungewell.org
# modified by Karl Newman (User:SiliconFiend) to preserve routing topology
and parse RouteParam
# license: GPL V2 or later

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

attribution = 'NZ Open GPS Project, LINZ'
file_mp = open('short.mp')

# flags and global variable
poi = False
polyline = False
polygon = False
roadid = ''
rNodeToOsmId = {} # map routing node ids to OSM node ids

# debug/stats counters
poi_counter = 0
polyline_counter = 0
polygon_counter = 0

osm = ET.Element('osm', version='0.5', generator='mp2osm_NZOGPS' )
osm.text = '\n  '
osm.tail = '\n'
source = ET.Element('tag', k='source',v=attribution)
source.tail = '\n    '
nodeid = -1
# Define the mapping from Garmin type codes to OSM tags
# Note that single items in parentheses need a trailing comma
poitagmap = {# Warning: this particular 'gate' typecode usage is specific to
Calgary Trails maps
     (0x1612, 0x1c00, 0x6400): {'highway': 'gate'},
     (0x2b00,): {'tourism': 'hotel'},
     (0x2b01,): {'tourism': 'motel'},
     (0x2b03,): {'tourism': 'caravan_site'},
     (0x2e02,): {'shop': 'supermarket'},
     (0x2f08,): {'amenity': 'bus_station'},
     (0x4400,): {'amenity': 'fuel'},
     (0x4700,): {'leisure': 'slipway'},
     (0x4800,): {'tourism': 'campsite'},
     (0x4900,): {'leisure': 'park'},
     (0x4a00,): {'tourism': 'picnic_site'},
     (0x4c00,): {'tourism': 'information'},
     (0x4d00,): {'amenity': 'parking'},
     (0x4e00,): {'amenity': 'toilets'},
     (0x5100,): {'amenity': 'telephone'},
     (0x5200,): {'tourism': 'viewpoint'},
     (0x5400,): {'sport': 'swimming'},
     (0x5904,): {'aeroway': 'helipad'},
     (0x5905,): {'aeroway': 'aerodrome'},
     (0x5904,): {'aeroway': 'helipad'},
     (0x5a00,): {'distance_marker': 'yes'}, # Not approved
     (0x6401,): {'bridge': 'yes'}, # Apply to points?
     (0x6401,): {'building': 'yes'},
     (0x6406,): {'highway': 'crossing'},
     (0x640c,): {'man_made': 'mineshaft'},
     (0x640d,): {'man_made': 'pumping_rig', 'type': 'oil'},
     (0x6411,): {'man_made': 'tower'},
     (0x6412,): {'highway': 'trailhead'}, # This is not even a proposed
     (0x6413,): {'tunnel': 'yes'}, # Apply to points?
     (0x6500, 0x650d): {'natural': 'water'},
     (0x6508,): {'waterway': 'waterfall'},
     (0x6605,): {'natural': 'bench'},
     (0x6616,): {'natural': 'peak'}
polylinetagmap = {
     (0x2,): {'highway': 'trunk'},
     (0x3,): {'highway': 'primary'},
     (0x4,): {'highway': 'secondary'},
     (0x5,): {'highway': 'tertiary'},
     (0x6,): {'highway': 'residential'},
     (0xa,): {'highway': 'track', 'surface': 'unpaved'},
     (0x16,): {'highway': 'footway'},
     (0x18,): {'waterway': 'stream'},
     (0x1f,): {'waterway': 'river'},
     (0x29,): {'power': 'line'}
polygontagmap = {
     (0x5,): {'amenity': 'parking', 'area': 'yes'},
     (0xd,): {'landuse': 'reservation', 'area': 'yes'}, # reservation is not
even a proposed value
     (0x3c, 0x40, 0x41): {'natural': 'water', 'area': 'yes'},
     (0x48, 0x49): {'waterway': 'riverbank', 'area': 'yes'},
     (0x4c,): {'waterway': 'intermittent', 'area': 'yes'},
     (0x51,): {'natural': 'marsh', 'area': 'yes'}

for line in file_mp:
    # Marker for start of sections
    if line.startswith(('[POI]','[RGN10]','[RGN20]')):
        node = ET.Element('node', visible='true', id=str(nodeid))
        nodeid -= 1
        poi = True
        elementtagmap = poitagmap
        poi_counter += 1

    if line.startswith(('[POLYLINE]','[RGN40]')):
        node = ET.Element('way', visible='true', id=str(nodeid))
        nodeid -= 1
        polyline = True
        elementtagmap = polylinetagmap
        rnodes = {} # Track routing nodes for current polyline
        polyline_counter += 1

    if line.startswith(('[POLYGON]','[RGN80]')):
        node = ET.Element('way', visible='true', id=str(nodeid))
        nodeid -= 1
        polygon = True
        elementtagmap = polygontagmap
        polygon_counter += 1

    # parsing data
    if poi or polyline or polygon:

        if line.startswith('Label'):
            label = line.split('=')[1].strip()
            # Now strip out control codes such as ~[0x2f]
            codestart = label.find('~[')
            if codestart != -1:
                codeend = label.find(']',codestart)
                if codeend != -1:
                    label = label[0:codestart] + ' ' + label[codeend+1:]
            tag = ET.Element('tag', k='name',v=label.strip().title()) #
convert to title case
            tag.tail = '\n    '
        if line.startswith('Type'):
            typecode = line.split('=')[1].strip()
            tag = ET.Element('tag', k='garmin_type',v=typecode)
            tag.tail = '\n    '
            typecode = int(typecode, 16)
            for codes, taglist in elementtagmap.iteritems():
                if typecode in codes:
                    for key, value in taglist.iteritems():
                        tag = ET.Element('tag', k=key, v=value)
                        tag.tail = '\n    '
        if line.startswith('RoadID'):
            roadid = line.split('=')[1].strip()
            tag = ET.Element('tag', k='catmp-RoadID',v=roadid)
            tag.tail = '\n    '
        if line.startswith('RouteParam'):
            rparams = line.split('=')[1].split(',')
            # speedval has speeds in km/h corresponding to RouteParam speed
value index
            speedval = [8, 20, 40, 56, 72, 93, 108, 128]
            speed = ET.Element('tag', k='maxspeed',
            speed.tail = '\n    '
            rclass = ET.Element('tag', k='garmin_road_class',
            rclass.tail = '\n    '
            for att, attval in zip(('oneway', 'toll'), rparams[2:3]):
                if int(attval):
                    attrib = ET.Element('tag', k=att, v='true')
                    attrib.tail = '\n    '
            # Note: taxi is not an approved access key
            vehicles = ['emergency', 'goods', 'motorcar', 'psv', 'taxi',
'foot', 'bicycle', 'hgv']
            for veh, res in zip(vehicles, rparams[4:]):
                vehtag = ET.Element('tag', k=veh, v=('yes', 'no')[int(res)])

                vehtag.tail = '\n    '

        # Get nodes from all zoom levels (ie. Data0, Data1, etc)
        # TODO: Only grab the lowest-numbered data line (highest-resolution)
and ignore the rest
        if line.startswith('Data'):
            if poi:
                coords = line.split('=')[1].strip()
                coords = coords.split(',')
            if polyline or polygon:
                # Just grab the line and parse it later when the [END]
element is encountered
                coords = line.split('=')[1].strip() + ','
                # TODO: parse out "holes" in a polygon by reading multiple
Data0 lines and
                # constructing a multipolygon relation
        if line.startswith('Nod'):
            if polyline:
                # Store the point index and routing node id for later use
                nod = line.split('=')[1].strip().split(',', 2)
                rnodes[nod[0]] = nod[1]
        if line.startswith('[END]'):
            if polyline or polygon:
                # Have to write out nodes as they are parsed
                nodidx = 0
                nodIds = []
                reused = False
                while coords != '':
                    coords = coords.split(',', 2)
                    if str(nodidx) in rnodes:
                        if rnodes[str(nodidx)] in rNodeToOsmId:
                            curId = rNodeToOsmId[str(rnodes[str(nodidx)])]
                            reused = True
                            curId = nodeid
                            nodeid -= 1
                            rNodeToOsmId[str(rnodes[str(nodidx)])] = curId
                        curId = nodeid
                        nodeid -= 1
                    # Don't write another node element if we reused an
existing one
                    if not reused:
                        nodes = ET.Element('node', visible='true',
id=str(curId), lat=str(float(coords[0][1:])),
                        nodes.text = '\n    '
                        nodes.tail = '\n  '
                    coords = coords[2]
                    reused = False
                    nodidx += 1
                nodidx = 0
                for ndid in nodIds:
                    nd = ET.Element('nd', ref=str(ndid))
                    nd.tail = '\n    '
            if polygon:
                nd = ET.Element('nd', ref=str(nodIds[0]))
                nd.tail = '\n    '

            poi = False
            polyline = False
            polygon = False
            roadid = ''
            rnodes = {} # Clear out routing nodes to prepare for next entity

            node.text = '\n    '
            node.tail = '\n  '


# writing to file
f = open('out.osm', 'w')

# dump some stats
print '======'
print 'Totals'
print '======'
print 'POI', poi_counter
print 'POLYLINE', polyline_counter
print 'POLYGON', polygon_counter
print 'Last nodeid', nodeid
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