[Talk-ca] Stat Can and buildings

Paul Norman penorman at mac.com
Wed Jun 15 21:51:19 UTC 2016

On 6/15/2016 8:01 AM, john whelan wrote:
> As a first step Stats would like to know the tags used when mapping 
> buildings in Canada and the number of times used.  This is to get an 
> idea of what is already mapped and to see which values should be used 
> when new tags are added.  I looked at a small sample from Ottawa and 
> noted 127 different tags on buildings including address tags.
> The other part of this is what is available under other tags than 
> building.  For example amenity=school etc.  I suspect school, college 
> and universities are fairly well mapped.

Taginfo can tell you this information. No one is currently running a 
Canada-specific taginfo instance, but you can get an idea of numbers 
from http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/building#combinations.

There are about 800 keys used more than 1000 times on objects with 

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