[HOT] Translation English -> German

michael.bock at fau.de michael.bock at fau.de
Fri Oct 24 18:17:28 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I wanted to get involved at the Humanitarian OSM Team as a translator. I
am especially interested in the most important pages, for example I
thought of learnosm.org. Currently only the Beginners Introduction is
available in German. But Emir Hartato posted on the Mailing List that this
is difficult because of Markdown styles. On the IRC I was told that
https://www.transifex.com/organization/hotosm/ is a good starting point.
But I am not really convinced because I don't want to translate strings
out of contexts and I don't want to register again. I already registered
on the OSM Wiki so maybe this could be the best starting point for me.

Questions: What do you consider to be the most important pages for HOT on
the wiki? And are there any possibilities to translate learnosm.org
without the knowledge of Markdown styles, or are there any howtos to learn
that to be able to do the translation? How to address problems like the
German page of "Humanitarian OSM Team" seeming to be incomplete? Do you
think that "Humanitarian OSM Team" and links might be a good starting
point or are there better starting points? For example descriptions of
current projects of HOT?

Best regards,
Michael Bock

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